The Admiral explained that he was not trying to scare anyone, but the cruel reality is that in case of a new war, the United States could be attacked by planes flying over one or both poles. Halfway along in 1987, Reagan even copped to it: I occasionally think how our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. Aggressive UFO activity emerging from underwater to overturn and endanger ships has increased in recent years. Woodard claims they are 13 to 14 feet in height, are spiritually evolved beings who communicate telepathically. So its a little odd that they would have conjured up so many. Moreover, Giannini was never a hollow earth advocate at all but a flat earth subscriber. When he received flack challenging his contention of a February 1947 Byrd North Pole expedition, his retort in a letter to one of his skeptics was a flippant giveaway: This author cares not a little how you use the name, Giannini. Quite a contingent. When some of them were rescued, they were asked to walk the nine or 10 miles to shore because no airplane could land there to pick them up. King (, given assignments in both the European and Pacific theaters. Thus, these more recent findings thoroughly demolish everything weve been taught, debunking both the fake science timelines of mans origin only 10,000 years ago as well as Darwins notion that homo sapiens naturally evolved from the one cell amoeba to the ape and finally to us modern humans. With so much attention being drawn to Antarctica, its very probable that a number of ancient artifacts or even Nazi relics are being located and discovered on the mysterious continent. When those two planets were initially forming and their matter was coalescing, because they were spinning faster, their matter expanded to increase their radius. This article incorporates public domain material from websites or documents of the United States Coast Guard. The Nazis used hot air balloons and planes for aerial observations to map out and survey that part of the continent searching for an ideal location to establish Neuschwabenlands secret military base named Station 211. One was Maria Orsic who explained that she was able to connect with extraterrestrials in sances, also presenting the group with several pages of her automatic writing in ancient Sumerian language and another in secret Templar code. But by 1956 Washington was long committed to carrying out its sinister policy of secrecy, lies, and even murder to deprive Americans and all of humanity of the truth. 9C. He reported that he made six trips into the hollow earth, encountering sub-terrestrials not of human origin. Let 2017 be the year that together we take down the cabal and take back our planet before they completely destroy it. It was shot down by Congress and Quincys incoming successor Andrew Jackson also poo pooed the idea, figuring fighting off the central banksters was more urgent and important, which he successfully did. Russian UFO researcher Valentin Degterevfound in 2015 yet another strange image on the February 2012 Google Earth that appears to be four tanks covered in snow lined up facing what could be a crashed 204 wide and 40 tall UFO. As for the exercise, it was so brief and cobbled together. As one example, based on the persuasive efforts of John Cleves Symmes, in 1822 President John Quincy Adams was ready to sign off on lending federal sponsorship to an Arctic expedition exploring the polar opening. Billie Faye Woodard says that the earths shell separating the inner and outer worlds is about 800-850 miles in thickness and that our planets center of gravity is roughly at this shells midpoint. On February 5th, 1956 several weeks after his highly anticipated journey, Byrd announced on the radio to American media back home: On January 13th, members of the United States expedition accomplished a flight of 2,700 miles from the base at McMurdo Sound, which is 400 miles west of the South Pole, and penetrated a land extent of 2,300 miles beyond the Pole. From the research Ive done, Byrd really wasnt well. The title of the article was: "Admiral Richard E Byrd refers to the Strategic Importance of the Poles."link to (secure) A & S: Admiral Richard Byrd, who led the Highjump expedition, had 13 ships, 23 aircraft, and 4,700 men. Unger said the entire crew would remain there. Advertising Notice The angel Gabriel is said to have informed Mary of Jesus birth and dictated the Koran to Muhammed. But little more than a month later Byrd and his crew were at it again, crash landing this time on Omaha Beach, Normandy on July 1st. If theres anyone who should know the truth about the poles, and whether theres an opening at each one, its Admiral Richard Byrd. Admiral Byrd saw what his own criminal government did to his honorable friend James Forrestal, and after losing his own men while losing a UFO battle at the South Pole, it was no stretch for him to conclude that Antarctica may well become the next major World War III battlefield. And once again theyre on the offensive with a planned so called ET attack on humans. Beach has been greatly excited by his readings about Nazi Antarctic exploration and hopes to come back to this at a later date. Just as they back every handpicked presidential Republican vs. Democrat puppet to polarize, distract and divide us, they always back both sides to every one of their manufactured wars, and this one against the reptilians is no different. And it is with this ultimate aim to solve this ever-pressing mystery to end the secrecy and deception that this article has been written. and encountered heavy resistance to their Antarctic venture from flying saucers and had to call off the invasion.1 The story is bogus (the UFO part), but gullible researchers have perpetuated this myth. Belanger: No. If there is nothing to hide or no such thing as intelligent life inhabiting our hollow planet, then why would deep state go to such meticulous, overreaching lengths and efforts to make caves or Pole fly-overs so criminally off limits to us? The warm air convection current emanating from the polar openings obviously accounts for this difference. This month its a bird, its a plane, no its the geopolitics grandmaster himself, Vladimir Putins turn to take in the January icescapes, and get the latest scoop on the covert skullduggery down under. And just a few weeks prior to the French astronauts dramatically delivered dire warning, in late October came the Joe Biden-Vladimir Putin meeting in Moscow with Inqusitrs sensationalized headline ALIEN UFO INVASION FLEET WILL REACH EARTH IN SEPTEMBER 2017, OBAMA ALLEGEDLY WARNS PUTIN AFTER NASA DETECTED MILES-WIDE ARMADA OF SPACESHIPS THAT ENTERED OUR SOLAR SYSTEM.. According to Olafur Ingolfsson, a geologist from Iceland, 2% of Antarctica is not covered by any glacier ice at all. Quite a contingent. This troublesome find led to the Saudi request for Russia to retrieve the ark and take it some place far away from any more Muslims. This land of everlasting mystery as Antarcticas most famous explorer Admiral Byrd calls it, is teeming with recent surprises and discoveries. The Admiral explained that he was not trying to scare anyone, but the cruel reality is that in case of a new war, the United States could be attacked by planes flying over one or both poles. Meanwhile, 2016 having thoroughly exposed the crime cabal, now increasingly on the defensive in its feeble effort to censor and withhold the truth, their age of deception is coming to a swift end. I have to warn my compatriots that the time has ended when we were able to take refuge in our isolation and rely on the certainty that the distances, the oceans, and the poles were a guarantee of safety.. The following year in 1927, Byrd, Bennett and three others were among several aviator teams that made the first nonstop transatlantic flight from the US to France, though flying solo Charles Lindbergh became the very first. This can be the only hope for mankind. By the end of March 1949, Truman fired him and took possession of his diary. Here is the text of the interview in the original Spanish and an accurate English translation. When encountering the press, Byrd tended to be more truthful than his government preferred and just prior to embarking, he openly stated that Highjump was a military expedition to look for some bases.. Lending credence to secret Nazi military bases at the poles comes news from two months ago that Russian scientists unearthed an abandoned Nazi base in the Arctic after German scientists apparently ate infected polar bear meat in 1942. Ahnenerbe members sought ancient texts raiding libraries and artifacts the world over in places like Tibet and India as well as occupied Russia and Europe. Whether the traumatic and cruel experiences written about living inside his underground base are true or not cannot be absolutely ascertained. Gravity in the inner world is less than one third the outer worlds, which Billie cited as the main reason why the inner race of people are several feet taller. Pilots who have flown over the poles verify this fact as their flight instruments are rendered non-functional. The whistleblower found himself regaining consciousness outside the only life he knew inside the earth in a mountain area of Tajikistan and eventually by train made his way to Germany. Coincidentally, in July that same year the UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico was also quickly covered up, like Byrds violently close encounter with ET technology at the South Pole. El Almirante explic que no quiere asustar a nadie, pero es una verdad amarga que, en el caso de una nueva guerra, los Estados Unidos podran ser atacados por aviones que pueden volar sobre uno o los dos polos. Privacy Statement As he was only 41 years old at the time, this promotion made Byrd the youngest admiral in the history of the United States Navy. He refuses to go public other than using his writing as a confessional and form of self-therapy. The Nazi Antarctica myth has been out there for some time now, and having researched Nazi Germany and WWII for more than a few decades now, have known for about that long that no such Nazi base, and no such Nazi UFOs were ever present then, or now, in that region either above or under the surface, as many still claim. Stay current with all the latest and breaking news about Buena Park, compare headlines and perspectives between news sources on stories happening today. As citizens of the world, we hereby are emancipating ourselves from the globalists old system of robotic slavery and demonic control. The waters of Lake Vostok are believed to have been untouched for 20 million years. Where that Highjump crash was sounded to me to be in a pretty tough place. John de Nugent Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions. Thats why the earth as well as other planets and celestial bodies in our solar system all have polar openings and hollowed out centers. Later, he seems to have changed his mind, at least in part, as evidenced in the previous links I sent. By December 24, the USS Currituck had begun launching aircraft on reconnaissance missions. In 1928 Richard Byrd led his first Antarctic expedition by ship and planes taking photographs and conducting geological surveying. On 5 March, 1947 the El Mercurio newspaper of Santiago, Chile appeared, with the headline article 'On Board the Mount Olympus on the High Seas' in which it quoted Byrd saying "Adm. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. There is ample visual evidence available to absolutely prove that the hollow earth theory is indeed reality. This came shortly after rumors began circulating in September 2015 of a mysterious relic some say was the Ark of Gabriel unearthed at a mosque construction site in Mecca, linked to a crane toppling over to kill 111 worshippers. Fearing that the globalists have been exposed like never before, they are fast tracking the alien invasion for 2017. Christianity speaks of Hell being inside the earth. So much for UFOs with swastikas. The 6-month operation was forced to abruptly abandon its mission. The elite always counted on using a common enemy to unite the world nations into a one world government. Theyre on the run. As we enter 2017, the doomsday controllers have all their bases covered, locked and loaded and ready to go as they always have. Now, I seem to sense the long night coming on and this secret will not die with me, but as all truth shall, it will triumph and so it shall. A plaque honoring the three killed crewmen was later erected at the McMurdo Station research base,[13] and Mount Lopez on Thurston Island was named in honor of killed airman Maxwell A. Lopez. The combination of centrifugal and gravity forces acting on each other to reach equilibrium determines the speed of one full 360 degree rotation. A writer named William Reed published a book called Phantom of the Poles in 1906 based on available Arctic explorer records and scientific research at the time. Esta declaracin se hizo como parte de una recapitulacin de su propia experiencia polar, en una entrevista exclusiva con International News Service. Lets face it, virtually everything weve been taught to be reality falls short of the honest truth, having been programmed and brainwashed from day one that prohibits any real serious or genuine inquiry, questioning or challenging of the prevailing dogmatic norm and order, thus by built-in design preventing exploration of alternative information, data and theories that may well lead to different, more accurate conclusions and outcomes. English, News We need a tsunami to drain the global swamp of perverse muck and vile darkness to wash away their entrenched rotten filth thats parasitically been sucking the lifeblood out of the human race for far too many centuries. 0. Posted by DrHeiser | Apr 10, 2015 | Fringe History & Archaeology, UFO Religions, UFO Sightings, Cases, UFOs as Folklore |. But inasmuch as the name has been known and respected for more than 60 years, from Vancouver to San Diego due to the activity of the late Amadeo Peter Giannini of Bank of Italy and Bank of America fame. Going back to my notes, I find that Farrell did mention, in a radio interview I heard on his book The SS Brotherhood of the Bell (2008), that he thought the stories of Nazi UFOs and the Antarctic underground bases were fabrications of the neo-Nazis. Further supporting this belief of ancient civilizations inhabiting the continent, scientists have recently discovered two large pyramids located just 10 miles inland and a third near the coastline. With increasing tensions between US and Eastern powers Russia and China, the geopolitics chessboard match on our southernmost continent appears to be gearing up like never before. In total, 29 stories have been published about Buena Park which Ground News has aggregated in the past 3 months. Even a cursory examination of the real Byrds writing style and the amateurish comic book sci-fi account of the later discovered February 1947 diary plants serious doubt that the latter was written by the explorer. Translated, they were instructions on how to build an antigravity engine. But remember, its all simply another deceitful variation of the same as the old boss. We didnt know about precision flying or what we were looking at.. Because the Secretary of Defense advocated an open policy of disclosure to his fellow Americans, and was both a supporter and ally of Admiral Byrd, his push to reveal the existence of UFOs and the deceptive machinations of the FDR-Truman wartime administrations became a thorn in the side of the rogue government. China also set up its first air squadron in 2016, ostensibly to support its four research bases. Belanger: No U.S. naval expedition had been in Antarctica for 100 years before that, not since the [Charles] Wilkes expedition of 183842. 1947 was a busy and eventful year as Majestic 12 was also formed in July per an executive order by President Truman. Currently an international crime cabal rules over every national government using the ultra-effective divide and conquer strategy for status quo, low maintenance, keeping us ignorantly weak by fighting, blaming, fearing and hating each other, perpetrating state-sponsored endless war of terrorism inflicting fear and death for population control, fanning the flames of a West vs. East cold war machine igniting WWIII, and committing organized crime on an epic scale that controls virtually all international drug trafficking, global child sex trafficking and global money laundering. Copies of this bogus diary were sold to make money promoting Byrds hollow earth meme. Operation HIGHJUMP, officially titled The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, 19461947, (also called Task Force 68), was a United States Navy (USN) operation to establish the Antarctic research base Little America IV. Some believe its an enormous meteorite three times the size of the life extinction asteroid that 250 million years ago wiped out the dinosaur, 70% of land-based vertebrates and 96% of the earths sea creatures. And as much as NASA consistently tries to black out the hole, obscure or remove it from public access and awareness, hundreds of pictures and videos are out there that clearly show the polar opening. One book dealing with this notion, The Hollow Earth: The Greatest Geographical Discovery in History Made by Admiral Richard E. Byrd in the Mysterious Land Beyond the Poles, was published in 1964 by Raymond W. Bernard (a pseudonym for a man named Walter Siegmeister). Recent studies reveal that Antarctica, India and Africa once comprised the supercontinent Gondwana until they broke apart roughly 80 million years ago. The park held it's grand opening on-site Saturday, January. The interview appeared in the Wednesday, March 5, 1947, edition of the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio and read in part as follows: Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions. Only recently has this technology been made public in the US, although for many decades hidden from our awareness, secret black ops programs have been making steady progress and improvements in this technology. So why does this innocuous passage matter? Do you think the Navy should recover their bodies? And there were very few of those 4,700 who had any [polar] experience. On January 17th, 2004 Spains King Carlos and queen traveled to Antarctica on a Chilean ship. But in todays world of controlled deception and deceptive control, responsible for devolving science into a compromised, politicized, serve-the-master agenda as a mere elitist propaganda tool, not unlike MSM, the truth has less chance of reaching the surface to even be seen or heard, much less win out. His radio announcement was never followed up in the press because the government obviously suppressed any further publicity covering his wondrous discovery 2,300 miles beyond the Pole. Obviously from his final entry he wanted to share everything about his spectacular travels and life-changing experiences. Also for too obvious reasons, a strict ban thats forever been enforced expressly forbids planes from flying over the North and South Pole. After the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, the KGB released records confirming that Highjumps actual mission was indeed to capture and destroy that hidden underground German military base. All these latest scientific breakthroughs in science inadvertently support an inner world. Recall that Lt. Col. Billie Faye Woodard said that the US government has been abducting children and programming and training them for this very role. Im not really sure what to make of it, but it is worth a look. Refirindose a la expedicin de reciente finalizacin, Byrd dijo que el resultado ms importante de sus observaciones y descubrimientos es el efecto potencial que tienen con respecto a la seguridad de los Estados Unidos. Anyone who can read Spanish can verify this. So the name dropping author is a relative of the Bank of America founder. A second attempt to secure the alleged relic has been connected to a stampede at a pilgrimage killing 2,000 more people. All this sounds so preposterous considering alien technology can instantly traverse the vast Universe. In closing, I must state that I have faithfully kept this matter secret as directed all these years. Cheers! Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, Jr. (1888-1957) "Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile forces threatening from the Arctic or Antarctic," according to van Atta. Both he and Bennett were instantly recognized as heroes and awarded Americas top medal, the Medal of Honor, for their accomplishment, although researchers have disputed his claim as the first to fly over the North Pole. Furthermore, Byrd stated that he didnt want to frighten anyone unduly but that it was a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be, Addendum to Heisers Laws for Bible Study: 5 Minutes is a Long Time. Shortly after the war through US intelligence services, Operation Paperclip was spawned, granting safe passage for relocation to America more than 1500 German scientists, engineers and skilled technicians for immediate employment. Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions. But their paradigm of deceit is crumbling now and about to end. But with prewar tensions rising over Hitlers increasing aggression, Admiral Byrd declined the offer. But apparently the secret diary all about the hollow earth visit to Aghartha was conjured up years after Gianninis book with the probable intent to substantiate the B of A writers earlier claim. When he spoke of his traumatic experience growing up inside his underground base, like Olaf he was diagnosed with mental illness and eventually had to bury his past and lie to authorities in order to extricate himself from the prison of the mental health system. 2023 Smithsonian Magazine These souvenir philatelic covers are readily available at low cost. And another half dozen years after Byrds passing, the same rogue government was free to once again get away with another murder, silencing the last honest US president trying to represent the peoples best interests. Admiral Richard E. Byrd is thought of as an iconic American hero. Writers attribute the Tibetan name Agharti (strikingly similar to Aghartha) to mean the underground kingdom at the center of the earth. Cayce also predicted strong earthquake activity in the Western US that includes Californias San Andreas Fault and the Nevada-Utah area. On December 30, 1946, the Martin PBM-5 George 1 crashed on Thurston Island killing Ensign Maxwell A. Lopez, ARM1 Wendell K. Henderson, and ARM1 Frederick W. Williams. [15], On January 21, 1947, Vance N. Woodall died during a "ship unloading accident". Witkowskis book has some gems in it. This statement was made as part of a recapitulation of his own polar experience, in an exclusive interview with International News Services. Well, a lot has been made of it. As the defeated task force began its return to the US, Admiral Byrd's initial press report from Chile explained that his mission had to be aborted due to taking in "too many casualties.". A year after World War II ended, the U.S. Navy mounted a massive-though hastily planned-mission to the bottom of the world. A Turkish admiral named Piri Reis credited with creating an early map in 1513 depicts Antarctica to be ice-free long before its Western discovery by two Russian explorers in 1820. [14] In 2007 a group called the George One Recovery Team was unsuccessful in trying to get direct military involvement and raise extensive funds from the United States Congress to try and find the bodies of the three men killed in the crash. The Naval expedition was headed by famed polar explore Admiral Richard Byrd whose expedition ended after only 8 weeks with "many fatalities" according to initial news reports. Seemingly springing up out of nowhere from the water emerged a number of saucer-shaped craft that exerted a force field shield that appeared to be controlled by anti-gravity UFOs. The Navy had done a training exercise there in the summer of 1946 and felt it needed to do more. Four years ago a Russian study found a massive golden swastika over 100 meters wide and long that lays 13,100 feet deep at the bottom of the largest Antarctic freshwater lake, the size of Lake Ontario, and located under miles of thick ice. A chunk of ice almost the size of Delaware could break apart, separating as much as 10% of the ice shelf, and likely causing sea levels to significantly rise that could submerge coastlines the world over. On March 13th, the day he returned to America from his final polar expedition less than a year before his death, the great explorer referred to Antarctica as: that enchanted continent in the sky, land of everlasting mystery. Momentums on our side. The UFO fervor keeps intensifying, centered on the Antarctic mystery as a probable portal to other worldly activity. Instead, Dr. Greer foresees a fast approaching day when, like virtually every war a false flag operation is now in the making where deep state will stage a fake alien invasion using black-ops technology and crisis actors playing their assigned role, complete with military intelligence operatives acting as their handlers. In fact up to 30 countries operate research stations on the continent. Operation HIGHJUMP commenced 26 August 1946 and ended in late February 1947. Buena Park. The fantastic speed with which the world is shrinking recalled the admiral is one of the most important lessons learned during his recent Antarctic exploration. Upon his discharge, Billie has attempted to get access to his military records that would provide credibility to his spectacular claims, but the government has strictly sealed his records. Recall globalist Buzz Aldrins tweet warning us of the evil down under. But in fact temperatures at the poles are warmer than temperatures 600-1000 miles away. National Geographic featured Byrds Highjump story entitled Our Navy Explores Antarctica in its October 1947 issue. Majestic 12 is the top secret committee comprised of scientists, military leaders and government insiders invited on a need to know basis designated to oversee and conceal all alien phenomena and documentation. Misusing Teslas free energy technology for destructive military ends only, rather than liberate humanity, the ruling elite has instead chosen to further enslave us through oil war addiction for greedy profit and hegemonic, centralized control. Comment: A false flag alien invasion and the high probability that there are malevolent aliens who have already invaded (though perhaps not yet Independence Day-style) are not mutually exclusive. A statement by Admiral Byrd to the International News Service was published by the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio in March of that year, part of which read: " Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the . February 1947 must have been quite a year for the Polar Byrd-man. A month ago 86-year old 33rd-degree Freemason and legendary moon walking astronaut Buzz Aldrin was touring the continent but suddenly became ill and had to be airlifted from the frozen wasteland. [2][10], After the operation ended, a follow-up Operation Windmill returned to the area in order to provide ground-truthing to the aerial photography of HIGHJUMP from 1947 to 1948. But this time we must not be fooled again with same as the old boss syndrome. Albeit anecdotal and unverifiable, fifteen years ago a former Air Force Lt. His Admiral Byrd quote on page 13 has been used religiously by the Hollow Earth-ers to validate their belief: February 1947: Id like to see that land beyond the pole. The good Admiral made copious notes of his time in Antarctica and none of these refer to a "new green land beyond the pole". So let the wisdom of truth and justice be our faithful guide to peace, safety and salvation. Its been reported that after she returned from space, she took to believing that long ago ETs had colonized our planet and interbred with ancient cultures altering our DNA. Its our responsibility to harness and impart this knowledge and wisdom to uplift and enrich all of our lives. This statement was made as part of a recapitulation of his own polar experience, in an exclusive interview with International News Service. Clearly there is increasing evidence that modern science, in its rare, honest form, is catching up to the wisdom of the ancient cultures. On humans bodies in our solar system all have polar openings and hollowed out centers by his about! January 21, 1947, Vance N. Woodall died during a `` ship accident. Entrevista exclusiva con International News Service support its four research bases be in a pretty tough.! Aggressive UFO activity emerging from underwater to overturn and endanger ships has increased in recent years previous... 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