Research topics restricted to students at top universities? I'd be open to leaving placeholders for practitioners to add field-specific advice, but I suspect most of these placeholders would long remain empty. Have you thought about changing your supervisor for some time, but cant make up your mind? Most of these are duplicates except for the fields in question. It's completely normal to have doubts and frustrations during your PhD (and the timing seems about on schedule for it, as well), but this is a strong emotional response that you should take seriously and seek help dealing with. I see that the question has been created and tagged with a new tag. Good supervision is extremely important, so overcoming some obstacles in order to replace a less than good supervisor can be absolutely worthwhile! Why are non-Western countries siding with China in the UN? Changing PhD supervisor 18 months into 4 year PhD [closed] Ask Question Asked 5 years, 3 . Depending on the college, you might be . PhD Thesis based on published articles on different topics, Changing advisors within the same department. Please make a tax-deductible gift today. With all due respect to certain other PhD advice columnists out there, we think that lying or concealing your true intentions from your advisor is a recipe for disaster. As an example: One South American PhD candidate had to endure constant negative comments about her background and ability to perform by her supervisor. The Office of Career Strategy allocates part of its limited funds to support groups organizing activities related to non-academic career exploration and development. There are surveys that back-up this overall observation. Not to mention the tremendous stress associated with the isolation and the guilt-tripping behaviour of some supervisors. These lay out guidelines of how research should be conducted, how data should be handled, ethical principles in research that must be considered, how results are published, and how junior researchers must be treated and evaluated these are broader than the codes of conduct for supervision that we mentioned above. According to a 2015 study, 25% of U.S. institutions produce roughly three-quarters of all tenure-track faculty members in the three disciplines the team examined: computer science, business, and history. Should we have a canonical question about changing fields after PhD? 70h/week including week-ends and holidays). In all the stories I read, there was a forest of unfortunate circumstances that brought people to change advisor. Some of these advisors worked closely with the previous advisor, or were part of the student's thesis committee. Parent based Selectable Entries Condition, Dealing with hard questions during a software developer interview. Dont wait that long! Like in the above example, many PhD candidates are afraid of the conflict that will occur once they speak up, and the damage this might do to the reputation of their supervisor. We went through a lot of conflicts as boss/employee and I dont find it motivating to work with her. Prospective students will differ in their specific preferences, but overall, it's probably best to find a balance and avoid overly hands-on and overly hands-off advisers. It's critical to find "someone you can relate to, who is going to be supportive in a personal way," Dericks says. Because we know that problems with a supervisor are tricky to handle for PhD candidates, we want to give L., and everyone else who is in a similar situation, our advice. What matters in a Ph.D. adviser? From the bottom of my heart, thank you. The number of distinct words in a sentence. He has lots of grants and publications, but I am amazed as to how little he knows in the field. Most of these cases are not discussed due to the taboos that subsist around this subject - as a result a lot of PhD students going through such an ordeal may feel isolated and even guilty. Dericks and his team didn't find any evidence that showed that's an effective strategy, though: After taking adviser supportiveness into consideration, students' satisfaction levels weren't correlated with their perceptions of their Ph.D. advisers' intelligence, knowledge, intellect, and scholarly abilities. There's no single formula for choosing the right Ph.D. adviser; the factors will vary for each student. Include one or two sentences summarizing the agenda and what you want to get out of the meeting. Much as you may want to yell your decision over the rooftops, announcing that youre leaving while in a heated argument with your advisor isnt going to make your transition any easier. Other students can also be valuable resources, since they work more closely with professors and likely know information your program director doesnt. This is not because I am "stuck" - I am not really at a point where I have been able to engage enough with the work to even become stuck. But any potential duplicates would be left open long enough for community members with expertise in the specific fields to consider whether they think the canonical answers cover the specific question. Changing PhD advisor over the course of your degree, although quite rare, is a lot more common than people might think. But as it is, we are not generating those types of answers; we provide only the same general advice over and over (is my impression, at least). To keep things in perspective at this point, we should mention that the majority of PhD candidates are rather happy and satisfied with the supervision they receive. Lost your password? With all this in mind, I decided recently that I will leave the PhD and do something else (I actually have no idea what yet). If you realise that you are suffering from poor supervision, by any means, change your supervisor if it will help you do better research and have a happier PhD life. Is that an excuse for departments to sweep things under the rug? The team measured student satisfaction by asking the survey participants to rate the degree to which words such as "good," "happy," "terrible," and "disappointing" described their overall Ph.D. experience. Less of an income, probably. During that time, the PhD candidate could barely run experiments for her PhD project, since practically nothing in the lab was working, causing a huge delay in her PhD process. They could also be happy to admit you if you have taken it already at your current school. Insufficient encouragement and interest in the PhD candidates work are further factors (see also Helmholtz Juniors 2019, p. 22). Make sure your new adviser can support you. Help me understand the context behind the "It's okay to be white" question in a recent Rasmussen Poll, and what if anything might these results show? This was all somewhat hypothetical but there was a problem with this plan anyway: software takes a long time to write! He forced his Post Doc student as my another supervisor in order to fast track his career, without any kind of discussion with me. Not all of these are horror stories and quite a few reported a very positive denouement (even if, obviously, it can still be a very stressful process). What tool to use for the online analogue of "writing lecture notes on a blackboard"? Applications of super-mathematics to non-super mathematics. My major concern about whether this is advisable is more about how our community will make use of the duplicate target. Like any workplace, scientific institutions are not free from misbehaviour from (in this case) superiors. Universities have formal proceedings that take place in order to exchange a supervisor and it might happen more often than you think. Ackermann Function without Recursion or Stack. After two years, I have lost interest in my work and the passion has gone. Lets face it: it is never ideal to have to change your supervisory arrangements. Should we have a canonical question for "should I quit my PhD"? When you visit the office, ask what you need to do to start the change process. So, I need your advice in handling the situation. How can the mass of an unstable composite particle become complex? I like that! Forces me to publish in conferences which his friends or colleagues organize, even if they are not good. The number of distinct words in a sentence. You should also avoid spreading news of your decision to leave its better if your advisor hears about it directly from you rather than through the grapevine. "What we found in the literature is that when your supervisor just monitors your progress, and is willing to make time for you when you really need help, that is really all that is needed for students to succeed.". I'm considering how difficult it would be to finish up this project and then move onto another advisor if mine isn't interested in working on this other area. Katie Langin is the associate editor for Science Careers. You got more freedom, I read. as in example? As a matter of format, I agree that it makes sense that a canonical question would aggregate common considerations in a few broad categories. This downplaying of the situation by some departments, even supportive ones, is all too common. Or bullied by their own advisors. While you want to be careful with telling too many people about your switch (your advisor should hear the news from you, not someone else), keep your ears open for news about professors reputations and for whether theyre looking for new students. In this case, the personal chemistry between you and the supervisor is off. Suggestions to improve the use and the findability of canonical questions. The road ahead may be long, and your journey will be unique, but you are not alone. How do I fit an e-hub motor axle that is too big? @Damodar It is better to talk in person. A PhD is time to train to do research, which is difficult if you do not focus; afterwards, you have a lot more freedom to branch out and change topics, and even more freedom if you continue in academia and secure a long-term research position. It is a DIRE decision to go in and request a new advisor so you had better ensure you are ready to make an enemy in the department and that you have a . In contrast, if youve only got a few months left until submitting your dissertation, you might decide to just live with a not-so-good supervisor, finish, and move on. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Should I do my Ph.D. with a supervisor who rarely responds to my emails? But on paper, I am progressing well because my supervisor had his way with me. You seem to be already burnt out. Thanks for reply! Youll stay up-to-date with our podcasts, webinars, workshops, downloadables, and more, delivered to your inbox every fortnight. General idea on how do Committee Members read PhD thesis. A stroke of bad luck in your life or that of your P.I., a failure of the system, a lack of management Lets be honest, it sucks. Don't deny the suggestions in a disrespectful or unprofessional way. The problem is more motivational: it turns out that I just don't have any interest in my particular area and so I spend most of my time either worrying about working or worrying whilst working - very inefficient! Recent PhD graduate, can I change fields and get back into it? Many Higher Education Institutions, funding agencies, or governmental bodies have developed codes of good scientific practice (see e.g. Many universities and research institutes or governmental bodies have set out codes of conduct for PhD/graduate education that describe roles and responsibilities of supervisors (see e.g. We'll let you know what makes PhD candidates want to change advisors, what you should consider in the process, and whether it makes sense in your situation or not. I also fear that many askers are looking for a seamless and easy way to transition. Therefore I conclude it is possible to make agreements. However, problems often occur if the main supervisors are not living up to their supervisory duties. My supervisor just does not care about what I need anyways! Well let you know what makes PhD candidates want to change advisors, what you should consider in the process, and whether it makes sense in your situation or not. MathOverflow is a question and answer site for professional mathematicians. These will normally include meeting to discuss your work, reading drafts and being available to respond emails and other forms of contact within a reasonable timeframe. Be honest with them and don't worry if they may end up not taking you. This kind of emotional statement can lead to future altercations with your advisor that can ultimately deteriorate any semblance of a relationship you have left. Adopt the art of " principled negotiation ," which is composed of four steps: 1) separating the problem from the person; 2) focusing on interests, rather than on positions; 3) creating options that allow for mutual gains; and 4) using objective criteria. rev2023.3.1.43269. I now for the wisdom: it really doesn't matter. The bullies tend to retaliate. Cag has a point that we get quite a few very general, reasonably low-quality questions in this genre for which general advice could be sufficient. . I know of several people who changed PhD advisors for a variety of reasons: loss of advisor's funding, advisor moving to a different university, unexpected inability of an advisor to continue advising (illness, death, etc), personal conflict. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Or you need a lot of freedom to pursue your own ideas, but you have a supervisor who is a micromanager, and wants to be involved in every single step you take, leading to endless discussions and delay in your PhD process. So what *is* the Latin word for chocolate? What are the challenges in changing a PhD supervisor after 2/3 of PhD is done, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Strange behavior of tikz-cd with remember picture. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. And while those are important characteristics to consider in a future advisors work style, youll want to be a bit more specific. 2. Determine if your stipend or salary will change at the new institution. "A bad or even just mediocre adviser can make your time as a doctoral student miserable or simply not pleasant, which could undermine the excitement that got you interested in research to begin with," Clauset notes. Science and AAAS are working tirelessly to provide credible, evidence-based information on the latest scientific research and policy, with extensive free coverage of the pandemic. I wish you the best of luck and hope that you dont fall into the next category. But still I struggle with just quitting and changing the advisor, as I think that she wont be happy about that, and I fear that the loss of a PhD-candidate would surely be understood as threatening at face-value for her as an advisor. I have been forced to have 3 supervisors already. Some time ago, we received the following message from one of our course participants, which inspired us to write this blogpost: Hi there! My supervisor openly claims that he is a great researcher and expects students to worship him. Am I being scammed after paying almost $10,000 to a tree company not being able to withdraw my profit without paying a fee, Applications of super-mathematics to non-super mathematics. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Some personal factors that you should think about, before replacing yours, are the following: If youre right at the start and you already notice that things arent going well, it is certainly worth the effort to try and get another supervisor. 2- Talk to new potential advisor in private. Then talking to the other one. (Also, there is a reason your advisor is called an advisor.) If that supervisor fails to give good supervision, the PhD student flounders, and may be left with virtually no support. You'll have doubts about yourselfabout your research ideas, about many things." Are we going to have one CW to cover it all, or separate question to cover them in less general sense (a tough question here, how to separate them? "That's more important than somebody who might have a famous name or someone who's particularly skilled.". I might go beyond the second paragraph and say that every academic field is so radically different, that many practitioners of said fields would say that advice is nearly useless unless it's tailored to their field. My second year, however, didn't improve despite making another breakthrough. All I do is push myself because I need to graduate. You can review our privacy policy, cookie policy and terms and conditions online. And if I still do not like my environment it is possible to switch and school will help. Otherwise, my assumption is that it's possible to write one answer that addresses most/all possible switches (the advice for intra-field switches vs. switching to a remote field might be different, but we can address both in one post). Would you be significantly better-off with another person? Shibayama tracked 791 life scientists who earned a Ph.D. in Japan between 2000 and 2010, counting the papers they published in graduate school and up to 9 years after graduation. Whats harder is figuring out what to do next. Advising offices have different processes for changing advisors. There are no real breaks. Also Helfer et al. I had a talk with the Dean. Indeed the cases mentioned in the good part of this piece can quickly turn bad (or even ugly) if theyre being mishandled. Ask your departmental administrator to help find it. Talk to Your Bad Academic Advisor. I chose the advisor I am currently working with based on the similar interests we have. It depends on his relationship to his colleagues and position within the department if he can make good of his threats. And a vacation provides an even longer respite. Has 90% of ice around Antarctica disappeared in less than a decade? It usually requires that you follow departmental procedures. Changing PhD supervisor 18 months into 4 year PhD [closed]. I need to either quit my Ph.D. or look for another supervisor. Your tax-deductible contribution plays a critical role in sustaining this effort. They can't go back in time to get revenge on the people who picked on them. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. I dont want to scare you, but if you are a similar situation you have to be prepared. Your interests may change (the most reasonable explanation), you may not be able to develop good rapport with your advisor, your advisor may be on leave, a new person may have joined the Department whose interests are closer to yours. My creativity has no room and I hardly learn anything new. 1) When choosing advisor When you apply for your project, make sure you enquire about your prospective advisor. rev2023.3.1.43269. Maybe it was when she changed your project for the sixth time in six months, though your thesis proposal deadline was rapidly approaching and you had nothing to present. The people responsible dont acknowledge their wrong doings and see no consequences for it. What you can expect from your PhD supervisor. Many arrangements are possible, and depending on the reasons for the change, the parties can also determine what is and is not made public. Some only speak up about a problem when they literally cant take it any more and are desperate. Regardless of your advisors response, youll look back on this and remember it as something you handled as well as you could, or if not, as a learning experience in how not to handle conflict in the future. In some cases the expectations of you P.I. But given how much faculty-member production differed between universities, they suspected that faculty positions weren't given out on merit alone. Suppose you have written part of a thesis(normally a PhD thesis in my field has 2-3 parts, each part may be different from the others). Is there a more recent similar source? 9. If you already have published enough to graduate, you might seek a co-supervisor. He seems to have had a chat with my supervisor and suddenly I am offered more freedom. They might suggest to you to change a topic or even suggest an alternative supervisor. Now you have get to get your passion back. In most cases, a change of supervisor is possible, but there are a few things that need consideration. Help News from Science publish trustworthy, high-impact stories about research and the people who shape it. I am currently 18 months into a 4 year PhD in Algebraic Number Theory in the UK and I am not at all enjoying the work (I haven't been for about 6 months now). Switching fields in a postdoc after PhD, is that possible in psychology? My supervisor is cunning. As I understand it, you like algebraic number theory but not the particular sub-area that you're working in. Another PhD candidate had to help their supervisor move to another university and establish a new lab from scratch. Maybe it was when she changed your project for the sixth time in six months, though your thesis proposal deadline was rapidly approaching and you had nothing to present. Youve undoubtedly made mistakes along the way, and learning from them can help you maintain a good relationship with your future advisor. In this way, you work in a field you already know at a moderate pace, while you develop new skills. Is it wise to change my supervisor in the late stages of my PhD? If so, please sign up to receive our free guides. Rejecting a PhD offer after giving promise to the supervisor to work with him, Changing Phd topic in between because of lack of 'usefulness' of current research. Subsequent to this they have also agreed, at least in principle, to let me take my PhD to the mathematics department, and possibly my scholarship with it. These extreme cases damage careers, they damage lives. Once youve begun taking steps to find a new advisor, break the news to your current advisor. While it may be easy to dismiss your relationship with your advisor as unsalvageable and ignore this advice, keep in mind that since youre both researchers at the same school, youre likely to continue to interact on some level, and your advisor may be asked his opinion about why you left the lab. If you want to know more about how to overcome difficulties and have a happier PhD process, sign up to our free webinar for PhD candidates. Yeah, I would agree with @AtomJZ's concern if we could point to (m)any examples of high-quality answers from the last 10 years that specifically address the nuances of the field pairing in question. How much does the problem with your supervisor affect your ability to work, and your potential to do excellent research? Adviser supportivenesswhether an adviser was caring, considerate, encouraging, and sympatheticwas the most important factor for student satisfaction. Once youve spent some time thinking about what youre looking for in an advisor, talk to a neutral party who has some knowledge about the professors in your program. Of course impacts to your personal and professional life play a role as well. Academia Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for academics and those enrolled in higher education. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. like the question (What does it mean by first author?). These are all factors to consider. Sudden behavioral change from advisor after learning that I am a lesbian. The role of my primary supervisor has been substantially reduced. Also, there are still PhD candidates who pursue individual projects and have only a single supervisor, which increases the dependency on that one person. This would be a much better question if you deleted the entire enumerated list, which is largely irrelevant for the question asked in the title. It only takes a minute to sign up. This can happen if a PhD advisor was originally allocated for administrative reasons (rather than scientific expertise) or if the PhD students project develops in a different direction over time. My main supervisor only accepts those ppl under his wing who are yes men. hyper-organised and your supervisor is the chaotic one, coming up with new ideas for your research in every meeting, dwarfing any of your attempts to maintain focus. Then, the researchers asked students about their experiences with the people and support networks that immediately surrounded them in academia: namely their advisers, departments, and peers. rev2023.3.1.43269. Youll know when its time to go. Should we have a canonical question about degree revocation? "You'll have setbacks. Some departments have rules that limit the availability of funding from teaching assistantships once you have been long enough in the program. His relationship to his colleagues and position within the department if he can make good his! 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