Dr Boon Lim is one of London's leading cardiologists and electrophysiologists. And worse when they want to call 911 or something like that.I've gotten better at recognizing it earlier so I can excuse myself sooner so I can pass out and come to in the bathroom. In general, people are more aware of the effects of high blood pressure, which is good. When you stand too long in one place with your knees locked straight, it can cause your blood to pool in your leg veins, which may cause you to faint. All rights reserved. Have vision changes (white out, black out or see stars). Therefore, you should be making sure that you are drinking at least three litres of water per day and two of those ideally should be drunk before lunch, especially for frequent fainters. If the syncope is prolonged, it can trigger a seizure. His is not nearly as severe as yours, from what I see here, but this was new to both of us and, yeah; it's pretty scary. But if you faint often or have other symptoms, you should seek medical attention. Once a person loses consciousness, the person's heart begins to speed up to counteract the low blood pressure. For most people, syncope occurs once in a great while, if ever, and is not a sign of serious illness. When I fainted, they had called 911 and After this, treatment depends on the cause of fainting. We were around 1,000 during that ceremony. I do come very close to fainting in crowded rooms ,lots of heat and during strenuous excercise. I think you did the right thing excusing yourself. I noticed that one prevention method they often failed to stick to is drinking enough water. Reflex syncope is the most frequent cause of fainting. But my doc said that I probably had vasovagal syncope ,and in that your heart slows down. I'll be back soon.Blessings,Teresa <> Bill O'donnell Obituary 2022, Parliamentary And Diplomatic Protection Salary, Articles E