See: Buddhahead. Redneck term. rico A person with a very large penis aka Junaid. Comes from "Sketchy" and denotes the foreman at a jobsite (often with sketchpad in hand). A more commonly used derivative of Yankee, used by pretty much every other English speaking country in the world. Low-income housing quite often has no air conditioning. At Puerto Rico they suffered from a savage attack made by the natives, who shot poisoned arrows and threw javelins at them. See: Wet-Back. The Flying Sorcery of Dr. The ones that aren't would most likely take offense. Overweight white business men, on the typical. They are called priggers because they resemble America's Black population, living in ghettos of poverty and violence with the highest crime rate in Canada. Pronounced Oyee-bo. 1. former colony of Spain, now a moderately self-governing island territory of the United States located just east of the Dominican Republic. He/she is not just hot, but he/she dresses well, smells great and always looks immaculate. The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly referred to as RICO, is a U.S. federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal enterprise. RICO was enacted by Congress in 1970 in an attempt to combat organized crime in the United States. U.S. Marines have haircuts that look like lids on jars. This area has the highest density of Mormons and also the highest Jell-O consumption in the United States. If you search Puerto Rico on Urban Dictionary ,, this is what you get. sounding like a machine gun. Used by the British Army to make fun of the rag-tag American army in the revolutionary war. It's like rigor mortis, except you're just too lazy to move. WebAqu podrs encontrar todo tipo de test, desde test de trivia, test de coeficiente intelectual, test de personalidad, test psicolgicos, test espirituales, test de salud, test de Quin soy?, test para nios, test para adultos, hasta test de matemticas, test From Alice In Wonderland. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. Short for chocolate, in reference to skin color. Common Jewish name. A person who is 1/8th Black. Inuit take offence to being called Eskimos, despite the fact that they do eat raw meat. So is the paper that comes out of them. They tend to have hairy the eyebrows that often meet and appear as one. Mira me dijeron que estabas enfermo. The jews wandered the desert for 40 years after crossing the red sea to get out of egypt, before reaching the holy-land. French WW2 term. "Nann" is the main bread that Afghans eat. Most likely comes from the old Black slave character Jim in the book _Tom Sawyer_. Black people often want "something for nothing.". (3/5=.6), Stands for "poor old nigger thinks it's a Cadillac", Poo-Poo (Feces are black or brown in color. There are many phrases that are funny in one place and mean nothing in another country that speaks standard Spanish. In Puerto Rican slang? They always work on in the field of construction, thats were Bull "Dozer" comes into play. Term used in Eastern Europe for Hungarian-Ethnics living in different countries after WWI. The French called the Germans this in WWII. Possibly from Irish Gaelic "pogue mo thoin", meaning "kiss my arse". How blacks talk (ex.) Reference to the ship called Mayflower. Refers to airborne cotton lint in textile plants where low-income whites worked. Used by some southern people to refer to black people. Most all Lawn Jockeys are Black, sometimes also known as Porch Monkey. Crows were scouts for the American Military or considered tradors by other Native Americans. Might be from the albino guy in the movie Powder. Many Aboriginals are on welfare and spend much time waiting in a dole queue. Used in Australia. Reference to McDonald's new line of advertising campaigns marketed towards blacks. Stands for Good Ol' Boy, a redneck reference. Could also just as easily be a half black/half white child. Puerto Rican/Greek Mix. Driving While Oriental. A former colony of Spain, now a moderately self-governing island territory of the United States located just east of the Dominican Republic. In reference to the big brown Chewbacca the Wookie. Lots of Polish last names end in czyk, pronounced "chuck.". It is commonly used when referring to the poultry meat, as well as dishes made with it. It can be both. In prison, this is a widely used word for blacks. Pronounced "spizzz-ik-ien.". A street term for lowest level crack dealer. These terms are used to express admiration and gratitude for someone who is attractive and fashionable. In Cantonese, it's "guih lo". Metro Atlanta Regional Transit Authority. It literally means peeled skin. Refers to slave trading. Used in the film "The Royal Tenenbaum's", Dark African Americans who act better than White people. Shortened. Peurto Ricans are proud, hence their silly flags and CDs hanging from the mirrors of their fart-piped, rice-burners. The Hawaiians or Polynesians call Blacks this name. More modernly, it could apply to any drunk Irishmen working as greenkeepers, such as on golf courses. Reference from Smurfs cartoon. In Spanish it means "guy". English rhyming slang - Mechanical digger = Nigger. Because so many Puerto Ricans live in Apartment Block to Apartment Block. "Bat-gwai" is the Cantonese for "white ghost;" or as we more commonly hear it translated, "white devil." In New Zealand, its Kiwi. It is used to describe someone as being attractive or good looking. living, located, or taking place in a city: urban rooftop gardening. Irish/Potato relationship. Rico. Refers to the Neanderthals living in caves; used by rappers. Derived from the joke - Q. Informal/derogatory term used by Hispanics, primarily in Mexico, to refer to Chinese people. Bird-like features, many english have big noses. The term is most widely used in the UK where circumcision among non-Jews or non-Muslims is more rare, but in the United States, where it is more common, it can be considered insulting to many non-Jewish males as well. (Bukkake + Japanese). African Blacks, specifically. "Spota get a job. Black people are stereotypically partial to the red Koolaid. Jews had to wear gold stars of david during WW2, Popular Jewish name for girls, pronounced like the chanu in Chanukah, Black Jews. Gullah language word meaning White Trash. Having someone bite the curb and kicking him in the back of the head is a painful way to kill someone. Many Spanish speakers use it to express their appreciation for someone they find attractive, and it is a term of endearment. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. It is used by Brazilians most often when depicting Brazilian athletes playing abroad. Used to describe white college students who do nothing but party and pull 2.0 GPAs. Hawaiians eat a lot of poi (taro root) and are fat. Therefore making them Jersey-dwellers. Specifically refers to Mediterranean men and their piggish behavior toward women in particular. Also Shiptar, Shqiptar, and other variations exist. Kangaroo-fucker. Also has slight money-related reference. The island Puerto Rico is the smallest by land area but 3rd largest by population among the Antilles. Adapted from: Nigger, See: Nigger. Term dates back to the beginning of time. Generic term representing any Asian group without having to identify country of origin. Used in a Billie Holiday song during the Civil Rights movement. Many vehicles in Australia have 'roo bars mounted on the front (to protect the vehicle from collisions with kangaroos). The blankets were also rumored to be infested with smallpox. Rasputin was a historical figure in Russia. Any person claiming to be part Navaho Indian, but are without papers or pedigree showing it. Term used to describe when an Asian drinks and turns really red. An Asian American who has lost their heritage. (See Schiendler's List), When a Jewish person gets a meal on a plane, it's from the kosher menu and a special meal not offered to regular passengers. They are uncircumcised, the flap resembles the neck of a turkey, also known as the gobbler. Because every Mexican who can run, jump, or swim is in this country! Dou means dirt, jin means person. As with broki, gufear similarly has no literal meaning in Spanish. It is a description of something or someone who has the ability to have a dual character at any one point of time. "Hey I know that guy, he's Justin Igger". A large number of Native Americans, particularly those living in northwest Canada/Alaska, are said to be addicted to inhalants. Originally an Aboriginal name for themselves as a people; used by others, however, it is considered derogatory. Refers to a white guy that acts like a beaner. Hebrew derivation from the word for nation (goy singular; goyim plural). Southern origins. I don't think this is really a slur. Short for "Anglophone" and used in Quebec, especially for Anglophones in Quebec province itself. High class Italian. Bahadur, means brave, has become a derogatory term for Nepali servants. Common name used by American servicemen to describe the Japanese. * Marisol Malaret, (Puerto Rican Miss Universe, 1970) Extremely offensive to anyone who speaks Navajo. Are your language skills up to the task of telling the difference? Originated from Cush. If the first three letters of this Puerto Rican slang word looks familiar, its for good reason! The latitude line between slave and free states. Translated into Farsi (Persian language) means "black". Used by US Marines in the second Iraq war. Could also refer to Blacks that stay up all night playing loud thumping music, real common in the industrial Midwest. Eggplants have black skin. 1. former colony of Spain, now a moderately self-governing island territory of the United States located just east of the Dominican Republic. Literally means "Old Outsider. The Chinese ate their babies because of their poverty stricken homes and to keep down the population. Genus & species. Most likely originates with the Latin word "niger" which translates to "black". Cuban slur for blacks. Refers to white people who are as filthy as a mop. Commonly denotes Hispanic gangster types (in the U.S., not in Mexico), Hispanic girls who dress and act Black. The lead singer was black (obviously Hootie). A Russian term for blacks, which originated because of their dark skin which looks like it is covered in coal dust. Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Kyrgyzstan. (Desi is slang for an 'countryman'). The Native Americans character on the animated show King of the Hill is named John Redcorn. From the Star Trek character of that name. HUKbong Bayang Laban sa Hapon (Citizens' Forces Against the Japanese). He called an older black man "Jim" and the guy flipped out and roared, "Who are you callin' Jim?" If you search Puerto Rico on Urban Dictionary ,, this is what you get. The best way to respond to que rico would be with a phrase such as gracias (thank you) or es muy delicioso (it is very delicious). Originated on TV's "The Beverly Hillbillies.". * Miguel Arteta, film/television director (The Good Girl, Six Feet Under) Describes the offspring of two mulattos. Common Italian name A Toronto municipal politician recently got into hot water for using this slur. Pasta Fazoul mixed with Rastafarian. Refers to the shape of their heads. After the character "Rufus Xavier Sasparilla" from schoolhouse rock. Rico is a Spanish word that means wealth or wealthy and pollo is a Spanish word that means chicken. A British Chinese person who may or may not understand Chinese culture. The Christian Bible includes the "New Testament" whereas the Jewish Bible does not. Normally used among Hispanics towards other Hispanics. Southern Italians. This is how Bulgarians pronounce the word "Absurd". 'Not quite an essay (see ese), but a paragraph.'. Reasons for this word: 1) it may be because the word sounds very much like the language. The only real gangsta zone. They have square-shaped heads like the animated character Gumby. Ie. Derived from Gaelic stories of the Fianna, a mythical group of warriors. Derives from an Albanian word for themselves, but can be derog. Used primarily in northern Washington State. Two-thirds of American inmates are Black. Jell-O is also the state snack of Utah. Used in China, it means "big nose." Perhaps the most famous way of saying friend in another language is Spanishs amigo. Means "large" or "fat" in Spanish. More derogatory than the term "Portagee. Refers to pregnant black women. See: Peckerwood. Defined as those who are obsessed with Japanese culture, including but not limited to: frequently watching/reading and having an expansive knowledge of anime and manga, frequently listening to j-pop, wanting to learn Japanese, playing copious amounts of bemani and RPGS (or just imported Japanese games), collecting Japanese merchandise, driving a rice burner, and wishing to visit frequently or even live in Japan. Used by Japanese. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941, which caused the US to enter World War II. WebAs you've probably noticed, the slang synonyms for " rico suave " are listed above. Neapolitan derogatory term for black person. Called this because some have a tendency to travel slow, pacing one another on the freeway not allowing anyone else to pass. Term probably comes from the briar bushes found in Appalachian states. The Philippines is one of the biggest sources of mail-order brides. US$55/person. Used by Jews to describe White gentiles or non-Jews in general. "Fish-head" used by southern Germans for northern Germans. Used to refer to fat Italians. Reference to a youthful East Indian side-kick character named Hadji from the '70s Saturday-morning cartoon, ", Manner in which they speak used by Latin Americans. In addition, they also speak Arabic. Also a possible reference to the minoral aspect of the African race in the United States. In common use, however, it became a term of abuse/denigration. So he made this one up for a 1978 column. Means like a bad term for white housewife, bored crooked ass homemaker. Heard in Japan, used by non-Japanese. Mix of Jew and Princess, as the teenage girls are often treated like. A derogotory nickname. Puerto Rico is the best of both worlds, you cant describe all Puerto Ricans as one because all Puerto Ricans are unique, there are whites, blacks, blonds, brunettes, redheads, even Asian-looking (generally nicknamed: chino) Puerto Ricans. Countless small-town White folk still sport them. The crowded, poor Jewish neighborhoods were called "Ghettoes." Refers to the abundance of Reindeer and silent J's found in this part of the world. Originates from the word 'keikl', in Yiddish, which means 'circle', the reason being that the first Jewish immigrants in America, who were unable to sign their names, signed with a circle instead of a cross. By the 1890s it was being applied to Italians--almost certainly because they tend to have darker skin than Anglo-Saxons/Germans. Empty from the neck up. Change). In reference to Uncle Sam but with America's bad reputation. Anglo-Americans. Have you ever just messed around for a good ten, fifteen, maybe even twenty minutes? The British Royal Navy supplied a daily ration of lime or lemon juice to their sailors to prevent scurvy. A Canadian Chinese person who does not understand Chinese culture. Black people in the United States and Canada use this term to refer to an older, beaten up, junky car. Skin color. Not as derogatory as Paddy. Small, ulgly, vicious creatures of a sunny land. NW England origins. The only way you see them in the dark is if they open their eyes and smile. Refers to the oily nature of a black person's hair. There is a lot to learn in the United States. Known to have a hard time handling their liquor. This because some have a hard time handling their liquor to black people that stay up all night playing thumping... The paper that comes out of them bread that Afghans eat and turns really red by Brazilians often. 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