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Save a Life!
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Saving lives is more than a “feel good” business – it can give you security.
All you need is a desire to teach people how to save lives. Our comprehensive instructor training packages will give you the knowledge and experience to be a competent instructor.

Saving lives is more than a “feel good” business – it can give you security.
All you need is a desire to teach people how to save lives. Our comprehensive instructor training packages will give you the knowledge and experience to be a competent instructor.
Saving lives is more than a “feel good” business – it can give you security. All you need is a desire to teach people how to save lives.
Our comprehensive instructor training packages will give you the knowledge and experience to be a competent instructor.
Become a CPR Instructor Today! Start your own business NOW! Ask about our Instructor Training. A combination of hands-on, visual and auditory teaching techniques is required to maximize student retention.
Become a CPR Instructor Today! Start your own business NOW! Ask about our Instructor Training. A combination of hands-on, visual and auditory teaching techniques is required to maximize student retention.
70 percent of Americans feel helpless to act during a cardiac emergency
Almost 90 percent of people who suffer out-of-hospital cardiac arrests die.
If the pulse is less than 60 beats per minute with signs of poor perfusion, start CPR.
At home is where 88 percent of cardiac arrests occur.
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